program components

QI Workshops

Three dedicated virtual QI workshops where we work with your QI team one-on-one to identify local healthcare priorities, organize and plan QI tests using PDSA cycles, and provide refresher training on quality improvement. The third and last QI workshop includes consultation on how to share successes achieved within the community and larger networks. We also take focused time to create sustainability plans and provide additional training.

Action Periods

Each QI workshop is followed by an Action Period, which is three to four months long. This is the time to put the ideas for improvement through QI tests using PDSA cycles to figure out what works and what doesn’t. We provide continuous support throughout this time.

PDSA Method

This acronym stands for Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles. Simply put, the QI team picks an idea to test, develops a plan and delegates responsibilities, tests the idea and takes relevant notes, studies the results of the test, and decides how to act based on the results. The PDSA method is a quick accelerated way to see if the idea for improvement is workable.

Learning Modules

Online learning modules are available for all QI team members to gain specific knowledge and training based on their roles in the program. For example, there are learning modules for the QI Facilitator, QI Team members, and Data Keepers. These modules allow for refresher training and for new members who might join the team later on.


An online data-driven decision-making tool available to all partners if they choose to use it. CEDAR includes a diabetes registry, a host of set and customizable clinical indicators, and graphs and reports. The aim of the system is to provide a real-time clinical snapshot of the community to assist in developing priorities and QI initiatives, and assessing local clinical improvements.


This online questionnaire is completed by all members of the QI team at the beginning of the program, and, optionally, at the end of the program as well. The aim of this questionnaire is to get a baseline understanding of the local healthcare context from multiple perspectives. An anonymized report is developed using the responses, which the QI team reviews at the first QI Workshop to determine priority areas ripe for improvement.

Coaching & Support

Our team provides coaching and support throughout the duration of the program. We assist with training materials, troubleshooting, refining ideas, problem solving implementation challenges, and more. We develop a plan with each partner based on their preferences in frequency of support, and method of communication.

program timeline

Infographic showing the timeline from Workshop 1 to Workshop 3. Every workshop cycle has a CEDAR Clinical Audit composed of Plan, Do, Study, Study. After that, and Action Period connects to the next workshop. The end goal after the workshops is reaching "Community Knowledge Exchange"


3-6 months
Agreements / Documentation
Building a QI Team
QI Team Training
QI Facilitaptor Training
Readiness Questionnaire
Communications Plan
Knowledge Exchange Plan
QI Team Vision
Arrow pointing to the next itemArrow pointing to the next item


12 months
3 QI Workshops
3 QI Action Periods
Arrow pointing to the next itemArrow pointing to the next item


3-6 months
Internal Program Evaluation
Knowledge Exchange Products
Sustainability Planning
Any Further Training
Final Wrap-Up
General Inquiries (519)-858-5028
Toll Free 1-(855)-858-6872
Fax (519)-858-5029
Toll Free Fax 1-(877)-809-5108

REACH Program,
Centre for Studies in Family Medicine,
Western Centre for Public Health & Family Medicine,
Western University, 1151 Richmond St., LONDON, ONTARIO N6A 3K7

Business Hours

Monday — Friday 8am – 5pm EST
We acknowledge that Western University is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Lūnaapéewak and Chonnonton Nations, on lands connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. With this, we respect the longstanding relationships that Indigenous Nations have to this land, as they are the original caretakers. We acknowledge historical and ongoing injustices that Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) endure in Canada, and we accept responsibility as a public institution to contribute toward revealing and correcting miseducation as well as renewing respectful relationships with Indigenous communities through our teaching, research and community service.